We are excited to announce the launch of a groundbreaking book titled “Putin’s Europe,” in cooperation with Project: Polska. This compelling read is an essential contribution to understanding the multifaceted influence of Russia, under the leadership of Vladimir Putin, across the European continent.
About the Book: “Putin’s Europe” is a meticulous dissection of Russia’s expansive influence in Europe, crafted by twenty distinguished experts from various corners of the continent. The book delves deep into how Putin’s actions and ideologies have permeated the everyday lives of Europeans, influencing not just the political landscape but also the economic, social, and cultural spheres.
One of the notable contributions comes from Velina Tchakarova, who explores Russia’s Geopolitical and geopolitical warfare. Tchakarova’s analysis reveals the complexity of Moscow’s strategy, which includes an overt military invasion of Ukraine, a subtle non-kinetic warfare aimed at eroding Western principles, norms, and standards, and a strategic geoeconomic offensive using commodity manipulation as a weapon against the European economic model. She elucidates how these tactics pose a dual threat to the EU’s internal and external security, potentially undermining the Union’s foundational principles and economic stability.
A Wake-Up Call: The book underscores a pivotal moment in European history – the awakening on February 24, 2022, when the illusion of a peaceful Europe was shattered by the realities of war and the omnipresent influence of Putin. It highlights the urgent need for self-audit and awareness among European nations to recognize and counteract Putin’s far-reaching influence.
A Pan-European Perspective: Supported by the European Liberal Forum and Project: Poland Foundation, the book represents a pan-European effort. It is not just a narrative of external geopolitical maneuvers but also an examination of the internal dynamics within European countries. The contributors shed light on Putin’s infiltration into various sectors, including the economy, politics, media, and social organizations.
Universal Phenomena and Trends: “Putin’s Europe” describes universal phenomena and trends, emphasizing that issues originating in one country or region are not isolated but have potential implications across the continent. It operates on the premise that Putin’s interest knows no bounds, with every European region being a target in his overarching ambition to reconstruct an empire and establish “Putin’s Europe.”
This publication is a must-read for policymakers, scholars, and anyone interested in the current geopolitical landscape of Europe. It offers a comprehensive, nuanced, and critical perspective on one of the most pressing issues of our time – the influence of Vladimir Putin on Europe. Get your copy today to understand the depth and breadth of this challenge and the implications for the future of Europe.