A New Era of US-India Relations, Part II: Competing Together

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  • Online, Zoom
  • 14 June 2023
  • All Day

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A New Era of US-India Relations, Part II: Competing Together

All Day
14 June 2023


A New Era of US-India Relations, Part II: Competing Together

All Day
14 June 2023


Competition with China looms over US-India cooperation, presenting both dangers and opportunities. What are the best means for the world’s largest democracies to defend themselves from the rise of illiberalism and fight back against coercion? Will the US-India partnership endure beyond the US-China rivalry? Join this virtual panel to learn more. 

Featuring: featuring Elbridge Colby, The Marathon Initiative

Velina Tchakarova, FACE For A Conscious Experience and Akhil Ramesh, Pacific Forum

Moderator: Rob York, Pacific Forum

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