CNN article on Europe has dodged Putin’s gas bullet. But it’s still thirsty for cheap energy – with comments by Velina Tchakarova

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  • CNN article on Europe has dodged Putin’s gas bullet. But it’s still thirsty for cheap energy – with comments by Velina Tchakarova

From the moment Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine seemed inevitable, Europe knew it would soon have to ask itself some very complicated questions. 

High among those was whether the continent could wean itself off the Russian gas it had thirstily guzzled for decades – and avoid being at the mercy of President Vladimir Putin should he cut that supply off in response to support for Ukraine. 

For Europe, energy security has always been a trade-off: Cheap, imported energy comes with the risk of dependency on the countries from which it originates. 

Koen van Weel/ANP/AFP/Getty Images

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