Month: October 2023

Global Energy Turmoil

Dr. Anas F. Alhajji is a world-renowned energy markets expert, researcher, author, and a speaker with more than 900 papers, articles, and columns to his credit. He advises governments, companies, financial institution, and investors on various energy markets issues.
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The Three Seas Initiative and Italy

The Three Seas Initiative was created to develop infrastructural connections between the Baltic, Adriatic and Black Seas. At the last summit, held in Romania on 6 and 7 September, Greece formally joined the 12 founding members, confirming the vitality of the forum established seven years ago and increasing its projection…
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BRICS – Has the West Sold Out to the DragonBear?

Velina Tchakarova joined the Q3- 2023 Advisory Board Call featuring another special guest Jim Rickards with Ronnie and Mark from In Gold We Trust for an epic discussion about geopolitics, geoeconomics, BRICS, the war in Ukraine, the global showdown of China vs. the US, a potential new currency linked to…
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Wie Österreichs neuer Platz in der Welt aussehen könnte

Mit der militärischen Intervention der Russischen Föderation in der Ukraine am 24. Februar 2022 trat eine tiefgreifende Veränderung in den Beziehungen zwischen Russland und der westlichen Staatengemeinschaft ein. Die bisherige Auffassung, nach der Russland als „strategischer Partner der Europäischen Union sowie der Nordatlantikpakt-Organisation (NATO)“ galt, und die Annahme, dass die…
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